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Lost in Translation in the Mediterranean Sea

This is a story of two desires.

Lost in Translation in the Mediterranean Sea

Klimt’s Death and Life: a Perspective on Beginnings and Endings

With 2As increasingly melancholic about their imminent departures, a spirit of contemplation takes hold of the students of the Menton campus.

Klimt’s Death and Life: a Perspective on Beginnings and Endings

Crazy in Love? My (Unrequited) Romance with Rachel Bloom’s Comedy

A whirlwind of whimsical musical comedy and delectable love triangles (quadrangles?), with a splash of poignant moments, “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” is a god amongst television productions, an exceptional set of four seasons that supersedes the comparatively mundane Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu material. 

Crazy in Love? My (Unrequited) Romance with Rachel Bloom’s Comedy

Rethinking ‘Living in the Moment’

Despite its widespread popularity, I’ve grown a bit skeptical of this expression, or at least how it is often expressed.

Rethinking ‘Living in the Moment’

Zone of Conflict: Controversies and Dilemmas in Holocaust-Cinema

It is inconceivable to imagine any Holocaust movie that is not controversial. Even The Zone of Interest in its minimal narrative storytelling has failed to escape the debates – is it fair to exclude the victims when discussing the Holocaust? Is the movie adding anything, really, to the construction of our knowledge of the events? The questions are not up for me to answer, and yet I find them crucial.

Zone of Conflict: Controversies and Dilemmas in Holocaust-Cinema

Judeo-Arabic: A Dying Dialect, A Culture that Must Not Be Forgotten

From this quick study of a small sample of words imbued with cultural insights, one can see how preserving Judeo-Arabic, ensuring its longevity in scholarly study and lived experience, keeps alive a distinct Jewish experience and yet an additional, deeper understanding of its relation and similarities to surrounding cultures and peoples.

Judeo-Arabic: A Dying Dialect, A Culture that Must Not Be Forgotten

La littérature en traduction : bénédiction ou malédiction pour les langues minoritaires ?

La littérature en traduction peut offrir une lueur d’espoir.

La littérature en traduction : bénédiction ou malédiction pour les langues minoritaires ?

Dr Dre and the Rise of Mainstream Rap

From a New York block party in 1973 to a world-renowned genre, hip-hop has branched out to become one of the most prominent and versatile music genres.

Dr Dre and the Rise of Mainstream Rap

Words We Live By – A Collection

Films, books, religion, world news, familial and cultural sayings— we have grown up exposed to idioms, aphorisms, and cautionary tales. But what sticks with us?

Words We Live By – A Collection

Poor Things

‘’We must experience everything. Not just the good, but degradation, horror, sadness. This makes us whole, Bella. It makes us people of substance. Not flighty, untouched children. Then we can know the world. And when we know the world, the world is ours.’’

Poor Things

Women’s Annihilation by the Mass Media: How Words and Language Help Shape Our Reality and Perpetuate Power Dynamics

By largely ignoring women or portraying them in stereotypical roles of victim or consumer, the mass media has symbolically annihilated women.

Women’s Annihilation by the Mass Media: How Words and Language Help Shape Our Reality and Perpetuate Power Dynamics

How Twilight Reshaped the American Dream

For the past 15 years, viewers have been led to associate Bella Swan's life as the primal example of success, consequently becoming a victim of the myth of the American Dream.

How Twilight Reshaped the American Dream

Anomie in Urban Life (A Rant from Amsterdam to Athens)

But what do I consider anomie in city life? A lack of disruption from daily routines and rigid adherence to rules almost renders life austere and unbendable, this strict regulation leaves any rule breaker into a lawless reality.

Anomie in Urban Life (A Rant from Amsterdam to Athens)

From Pagan Tradition To Seasonal Landmark Of Consumer-Capitalism: The Origins Of The Christmas Tree

How did the modern Christmas tree, the beacon of the holiday season, emerge? And what does it represent in our contemporary world?

From Pagan Tradition To Seasonal Landmark Of Consumer-Capitalism: The Origins Of The Christmas Tree

Navigating Corrupt Realities: The Timelessness of Dario Fo’s ‘Accidental Death of an Anarchist’

In a democratic society we willingly submit power to governing institutions to be wielded toward the greater good, and when that isn’t the case, and other measures fail to address injustices, Fo’s tale suggests that civil disobedience may be the only route left to take.

Navigating Corrupt Realities: The Timelessness of Dario Fo’s ‘Accidental Death of an Anarchist’

Emmanuel Carrère, L’adversaire (2000)

In the end, maybe we are all a bit Jean-Claude Romand with all our fragility.

Emmanuel Carrère, L’adversaire (2000)

The Artistic Enigma: What Does Innovation Mean in the Context of Art?

While some argue that innovation is a fundamental component of art, others contend that tradition and repetition have their place in the creative realm.

The Artistic Enigma: What Does Innovation Mean in the Context of Art?

Navigating the Paradox: Kierkegaard's Philosophy of Choice in an Age of Wellbeing Anxiety

‘’Existing means "being able to choose"; indeed, to be a possibility. But this does not constitute man's wealth, but rather his misery.’’ 

Navigating the Paradox: Kierkegaard's Philosophy of Choice in an Age of Wellbeing Anxiety

Un cri pour la tolérance religieuse: la Abrahamic Family House

Dans un monde multiculturel, caractérisé par une diversité de croyances, comment peut-on vivre quand les différentes opinions se déchirent constamment ? 

Un cri pour la tolérance religieuse: la Abrahamic Family House

A Local's Guide to Istanbul

Istanbul —  a home to a range of civilizations from the Byzantines to the Ottomans, an inspiration for the most beautiful songs and poems, and a bridge for connecting continents and cultures.

A Local's Guide to Istanbul
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